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Best Mattress Brand - Springtek


This is Where it Starts.

We source direct wooden logs, handpicked by our experienced selectors and brought to the manufacturing unit for further processes.

Getting in Size.

Our In-house saw machines cuts the wooden logs into desired sizes to achieve the strength and stability in your wooden bed, sofa dining & everything else solid wood.


Each & every piece of wood, however big or small, thick or thin, straight or not :) , is treated with the industry specified techniques, making it termite resistance, Forever.

Seasoning the Wood.

More commonly known as drying the wood. As simple as it seems with the way we do it, it actually is a very scientific process. Maintaining the pressure levels, moistures, depending on the duration and atmosphere and get the right seasoning done, the right way.

The Right Finish.

Once the product is made and ready, it goes to our skilled polish-men, who works hard to give it the finish as chosen by you.

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